Aquamarine birthstone
Aquamarine birthstone

aquamarine birthstone

In ancient Rome, the aquamarine was believed to be sacred to the god of the sea, Neptune. The combination of the two words results in “water of the sea” or “seawater.” Indeed, the stone‘s color does resemble that of seawater. The name of the stone is derived from “aqua,” the Roman word for water, and “mare,” which means sea. The hardness and durability make the gemstone a perfect choice for jewelry, along with the attractive blue or blue-green colors.Aquamarine is the birthstone for March. These gemstones can be transparent to translucent and have a vitreous to the resinous luster. This can result in the blue-green color of the stone permanently changing to a pure blue color. These stones are sometimes heated at extremely high temperatures in order to enhance their color and clarity. A few locations in the United States also produce this gemstone, but the largest producer worldwide is Brazil. It may also be mined in Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Madagascar, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, and Sri Lanka. There is no actual medical research to say if there is real evidence that this stone truly helps these conditions, or if it is merely a placebo effect.Īquamarine gemstones can be found in Brazil, where the most valuable specimens are found. Some people believe that this gemstone can help conditions such as varicose veins, sore throats, inflammation of the eyes, or arthritis if the gem is in contact with the ailing body part. For centuries, this gemstone has been used by medicine men, healers, and shamans from a variety of cultures. In the Middle Ages, this gemstone was thought to possess healing qualities that were effective for treating anxiety as well as reducing the effect of certain poisons. Legend states that ancient sailors would wear this gemstone to give them a safe journey and to help This stone was believed to have origins from the treasure chests of mermaids. There is much folklore and legend associated with this stone, especially among the seafaring population. In earlier cultures, it was thought that wearing Aquamarine would give the wearer beauty, honesty, happiness, loyalty, increased intelligence, and youthfulness. It is also the assigned stone for the planet Neptune. This gemstone is recognized as the Zodiac sign for Scorpio and the planetary sign for Pisces. The meaning of Aquamarine comes from the Latin words that mean water and sea, or seawater. The beryl family of minerals gives us several beautiful gemstones including morganite, heliodor, and aquamarine. When tinted with impurities, other colors such as green, blue, red, white, and yellow may occur. The mineral beryl, the family of which aquamarine is a member, even bears mention in the Bible in the book of Exodus in reference to different stones that were placed in the breastplate of Aaron. This stone possesses good hardness and luster and is an attractive and popular choice for many pieces of jewelry. The coloration of this stone is a result of trace amounts of iron that work their way into the crystal. This modern March Birthstone is a member of the beryl family of minerals and is a beautiful bluish-green or aqua in color. However, in ancient Hebrew, Roman, and Arabic cultures, this gemstone was considered the birthstone for the month of October. In today’s modern culture, the Aquamarine is recognized as the birthstone for the month of March.

Aquamarine birthstone